I'm trying to make a website something like Wikipedia but the problem is I'm not able to make is section/frame wise I have tried few code but after running those code content on the page does not shot up.
I'm uploading the pics of what code I have used, how I wanna make my website look like and what I got after running those codes.
the code i have used
<frameset col="20%, 80%">
<FRAMEset src="left.html">
<frameset rows="20%,80%>
<frameset col"30%,30%,40%">
<frame src="home.html">
<frame src="about.html">
<frame src="registratiom.html>
<frame src="description.hrml">
<h>tanhaji mahesure
<p>sagyanchi katal jhali
I have also tried different code or change the position of <p>,<h> or any other code
I'm also attaching the pics of how I wanna see my web page and how I get it
help me guys