
web form javascript message




In a vb.net 2010 web form application that I made some changes to, I have a question about the build (compile) options. In the application that I am working on, there are the build options of development, test, and production.

My question is determining the build options between test compile and production (release) compile.

This is due to the fact, I added a JavaScript alert message to the application when the user is entering some data incorrectly. Basically when I ran the test on my workstation using the default web server in visual studio, everything ran correctly. However when I moved the code to a test application server the web deploy did not work correctly. I found out the problem was due to the java script alert message that I commented out.

I know the problem is somehow related to not having the app not knowing where the javascript tag files were located at. All I did was add an empty line before the first line in the master page where tags are located at and the app works.

However when code is moved to production, I am concerned having the same problem on the production server.

Thus would you tell me and/or point me to references that will:

1. Show me the build options between test and production (release) mode? Also some references that will tell me how to setup the various build options?

2 Would you have any explanation of why the javascript alert message now works in test my just removing a blank line around. I tried a line where the javascript tag pointed directly to the root and not a relative position when the app was running. I then removed the line and the code is working.

Answers (2)