
web control problem

jas spiegeal

jas spiegeal

I am wondering if you can tell me why I do not see these edit options in the smart tag for the detailsview control I am working with?

I am asking that  question asking looking at the about Tutorial 16: An Overview of Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data where the link is the following:


In the tutorial on the part about using the smart tag for a detailsview control, the tutorial shows there should be check box selections for:

1. Enable inserting,

2, Enable edit, and

3. Enable delete.

When I detailviews control on to my web form for a C# asp.net 2010 application, these options are not showing in my smart tag. I also looked in the source area of these detailsview control, and I do not see these options.

I do want to show the linq data source I am connecting to so you can see if there is a problem here:

<asp:LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource1" runat="server"
        Select="Att_id,Att_Date, Payment_Date,Received_Date"
        TableName="Att" Where="Att_id == @Att_id"
        EnableInsert="True" EnableUpdate="True">
            <asp:SessionParameter Name="Att_id"
SessionField="AttID" Type="Int32" />
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