
Web browser control in WPF

Ashish Goyal

Ashish Goyal

In a WPF appliation, I have a web browser control over a canvas.

Now I have to construct a code in such a fashion that if I hover the mouse over the controls of any webpage opening up in that webcontrol, there has to be rectangle surrounding that control.

Same is the case with the application container. Like if I open a third party application in my application container, and hover my mouse over the controls of that application, there should be a rectangle surrounding that particular control.

This is quite confusing may be. Any help will be appreciated.

I have tried with the mouse over event of my master canvas, but it doesn't work on the web browser control on the canvas.
Then I tried with the
p = Mouse.GetPosition(canvasMaster);

command. It again fails to give the current mouse location on the web browser.

Please help.
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