
Web Browser Control Event Capture

aman nigam

aman nigam

I am using a WebBrowser control in a c# windows application.This is a Presentation/Messenger like application.There is one admin and rest r normal user.I want to capture events fired on admin screen and fire on other users screen. What file admin opens in his window's WebBrowser control should be open in all the other users window's WebBrowser control and if the admin scroll in his WebBrowser then the same will reflect in all other users.
          I want to open html/PPS/Doc/PDF/WMP file in WebBrowser conrtol and to capture events (manily scroll event) of WebBrowser.Document.
  It works fine for Html/PPS files and i can capture scroll/Click events of WebBrowser.Document and then able to fire it to other but when i am opening Doc/PDF/WMP file the WebBrowser.Document is always null so that i cant use its scroll or clcik event.
Please provide some solution if u have.