
Want to change rules to be generic and should pass the test

Want to Fix method BuySellSignalExtensions.CalculateBuySellSignal. II have to define buy and sell rules. There are data files available. When I run Console.sln, the program will print out outputs. Please read the README if you want some background into what previous devs have asked me. 

running profit: 0.30 cost and profit: -21.84 last bought: 22.14 sold count: 3 - ATSG$0.20$.csv
running profit: 1.265 cost and profit: -17.945 last bought: 19.21 sold count: 2 - CORE$1.10$.csv
running profit: 0 cost and profit: 0 last bought: none sold count: 0 - EMD$0.10$.csv
running profit: 0 cost and profit: 0 last bought: none sold count: 0 - FAT$0.00$.csv
running profit: 0.10 cost and profit: -19.40 last bought: 19.5 sold count: 1 - JBLU$0.10$.csv
running profit: 0 cost and profit: -8.5 last bought: 8.5 sold count: 0 - MGI$0.14$.csv
running profit: 0.295 cost and profit: 0.295 last bought: none sold count: 2 - QUAD$0.25$.csv
running profit: 0 cost and profit: -6.57 last bought: 6.57 sold count: 0 - RRD$0.30$.csv
running profit: 59.588332 cost and profit: -6500.993486 last bought: 6560.581818 sold count: 4 - ZT1$48.05$.csv
running profit: 1183.63 cost and profit: -7302.11 last bought: 8485.74 sold count: 54 - ZT2$1183.63$.csv
running profit: 0.04 cost and profit: -6512.51 last bought: 6512.55 sold count: 2 - ZT3$0.04$.csv
running profit: 813.01 cost and profit: -6561.99 last bought: 7375 sold count: 52 - ZT4$813.01$.csv
Please help me with optimize code suggestion ASAP . It is built in VS2015

Attachment: ProgramToOptimize.zip

Answers (4)