
Want technical help on how to develop a Content Management System using ASP.NET and C#?

Mathew Joseph

Mathew Joseph


Hi Sir,


Can any body help me to develop a CMS (Content Management System) ?


Using ASP.NET technology and C#.

Database SQL Server 2005


It should enable me to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website.

. The content managed should include computer files, image media, audio files, electronic documents and web content.


Also it should enable me to power scores of different web sites, which include

·         Community web portals

·         Discussion sites

·         Corporate web sites

·         Intranet applications

·         Personal web sites or blogs

·         Aficionado sites

·         E-commerce applications

·         Resource directories

·         Social Networking sites


I would like to get an answer from the technical point of view as to how to proceed?

Please help me.

Thanks and Regards,
