
want complete code for account activation mail - but that is not with membership

arun kumar

arun kumar

Hi, Today whole day i googled account activation mail sample code. I did not find even in asp.net forums. There are many post in forums how to write this code but i did not find the complete code. As a fresher, I tried to write code according to the technics given in forums but i could not.
I request you to please write full  sample code.Please dont give technics. Please. The requirement is- User register himself in the site and when click the submit button , a mail will sent to his emai id entered there .The mail has link to activate his account. we send mail with url to activate his own account by clicking on that link we send.
I created table like user id with GUID, username,email,Is_Active columns. Is_Active has default value as false (0).So the registerd user when click the link we sent will make this Is_Active to true means 1. There many posts written this code uses GUID.
Thanks in advance.
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