Hi all, i need serious help
In my solution i have 37 projects, mostly windows projects, in VB and C#, web services etc.
1) on solution properties -> Configuration Properties
Everything is set to debug, and build option is ticked.
2) i have my login project VB set to start up - which debugs, and hits all break points.
3) my other VB projects also hit break points.
4) projects are reference using project reference.
5) All projects have been cleaned, and build individually with no errors.
6) My Debug -> options -> General:
Enable just my code - true
Enable .net frame source stepping - false
Break al processes when one process breaks - true
Enable javascript debugging for asp.net - true
7) on project settings -> Enable native code debugging - true
But my C# project does not hit any break points, and this is where im i have to debug right now, cause i cant progress in my work otherwise.
The symbols are a solid red, stated loaded.
I cant figure out what else is wrong. Please help