
vs 2010 check in code problem



I am using the current version of anksvn. I can add a C# 2008 console
application successfully to subversion. I can also download the C# 2010 code to
my workstation as a working copy. However the problem is the application does
not compile clean. I am getting the error message,
"missing directive or an assembly reference" on alot of the members.

  I know there has to be some kind of a problem when I add this soltuion to
anksvn. Note: I can load all the other soltuion files  to anksvn and I do not
have problems.

  What is occuring is the 3 other project files that I am working with are at
the same directory level where the soltuion file is located at. One of the 3
project files that I am referring to has its own visual studio also.
I believe most other solution files have their project files in a directory
path level that is lower than the solution file.
One thing  I have tried was to open up the solution file and change the
directory paths where the 3 files are located at. This did not help.
Thus can you tell what I can do when I check in this file to anksvn, so that it
will compile clean once I have checked it oout of anksvn?