
Visual studio.net 2008 deployment



I am trying to decide what would be the best way to setup and deploy a C#.net 2008 desktop application that I modified. I changed the database that was behind the was behind the existing desktop lookup screens. Basically the production database changed and I kept the desktop screens since the users wanted to keep the screens.
  The problem with this entire .net solution 2008 file is, there is a large volume of third party software that will no longer be used. This C#.net application has been setup to work in conjunction
with the third party server. I basically do not know what to do with third party part of this .net soltion. (Note: There is not time to remove the third party code since this application needs to be
ready to use within one month.)
  I am trying to decide if I should use a .net setup and deployment project files or to use a custom built .net project file that exists in this application. The .net project file basically wraps together
.net files that are required and maybe third party objects that are required.
  Thus I was wondering what you would recommend. How would I know what .net objects are required? Would the .net required files be under the 'bin' directory of the startup project file? This bin folder contains a large volume of exe and dll files.
Answers (1)