
visual studio 2008 and 2010

Sie Ste

Sie Ste


I have a question about a C#.net solution file. I am trying to open a C#.net solution file with visual studio.net 2008 that my company obtained from a contractor. I can not open this file. I click on the file and it looks like it will open but it does not.

  I am thinking problem could be one of the following:

  1. This could be a 2010 C#.net solution file. If that is the case, is there some way to convert the visual studio ide to 2008? If not, I will just need a copy of visual studio.net 2010,correct?

  2. My 2008 visual studio is setup for C#.desktop application. This solution file is asp.net. Thus would I need to install the asp.net options in my visual studio.net ide to be able to see these files? If so, how do I add the C#.asp.net to to visual studio ide?

Answers (1)