
Visual Basic.Net

Rajesh Undre

Rajesh Undre

While integrating media player to play the videos in VB.NET we place video files in folder and the videos can directly access accidently by the end user so it should not view to the end user if he tries to find it in drive. so how to make the video files as library(DLL) and use its reference to play ?
Because one of the Indian Author has published video courses on C,C++,VB.NET,C#,JAVA …etc and I have purchased all the courses and installed my computer .For example when I install VB.NET it will create a folder and within this single folder it creates Sixty folders and each folder has its unique name as Chapter1, Chapter2, Chapter3,……. Chapter60 and within each folder there is single .dll file and the size of the .dll is 35MB, 48MB, 29MB, 42MB ………etc. Apart from these folders it will create another files/folders in Program Files folder as we see in normal software which is not a part of discussion. If the end user try to search the video clips it will find only .dll files as I said .I do not understand  how it is done by the Author ? Please help me.
Thanks                                                                                                                                                                                     Rajesh Undre
Answers (2)