
Virtualization in datagrid



Problem with tabulation in virtualized datagrid.
I have a datagrid with >10 000 rows
Virtualization is enabled (and should be)
Each row can have disabled control and in this case when you are moving through rows with tab key, these rows are skipped as expected
Lets assume I have 20 visible rows on the datagrid control (Model has 1000 for example). 
First 10 lines are enabled, next 20 are disabled, then next ones are enabled too.
If first line has focus and I'm pressing tab key, tabulation stopped at 10th line and next control on the form (button for instance) gets focus because there is no existing control for 30th line in the datagrid (thanks to virtualization).
This is a problem.
I want to move focus to the next available enabled control in datagrid
Disabling virtualization (ofcourse) solves that problem, but I can't disable it.
So, I'm looking for another solution. Any ideas are appreciated. Thx!