
View Models in asp.net core

ALi Shah

ALi Shah

Aug 28

Dear all although its a very simple question and I guess it would be stright but I am facing issue so I am asking on that platform , I am having view model like below 

public class AllModels


public class student{get;set;}

public class Grades{Get;set;}

public class Marks{get;set;}


ignore the typos if there are any, the issue is I have a view in which I am giving it this model and I only need to use Marks model but on model binding i am giving it complete viewmodel 

@model Allmodels etc 

Now I like to fire validation of only marks model but when i  am saving the records it fire the validation of other two models grades and students as well how to prevent it should I bind my view with only MArks model but I cannot do that as I am using viewModel and on listing i need these other models too and my same view is used for creation as well as for listing.

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