
Validation on dynamic generated controls in mvc


Thanks to all in advance.

I have a table having column menuid,menuname,parentmenuid (like self join) to parentmenuid I am assigning menuid so we are considering as parentmenu .
Now I have loaded all the menus in partial view with the columns parentmenu,childmenu,.
Now I want to group all the child menu with parentmenu so that I can put validation on particular
child menu selection .suppose I have selected child menu belongs to patient so I could be able to know that name.
parentmenu     childmenu
patient              listofpatient
patient              editpatient
patient              updatepatient
usermanagement  listoftheusers
usermanagement  seachofusers
so now patient menus as one group and another one second group
parentmenu also can be a childmenu so when we selects childmenu of any parentmenu that patientmenu also should be checked of particular parentmenu 
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