
validate the major code from the database

narasiman rao

narasiman rao


In table record as follows,

major_code    minor_code

AMC                  MFA

BMC                  EFA

VAC                   SSO

PSTF                RPST

PSTF                RAFF

PSTF             RPSCRB

In Gridview as follows

Course Name Batch Date

 MFA               24 jun 2014

EFA                24 jun 2014

RPST             26 jun 2014

RPSCRB       26 jun 2014

Then i have one button called Submit.

in that submit i want to validate in gridview the course name must be sequence.
if PSTF (Major code) related course is there,in between other than PSTF course is there in gridview.
i want to show the message only PSTF course must be there.

Excepted output as follows in gridview this is correct one

Course Name Batch Date

 MFA 24 jun 2014

EFA 24 jun 2014

SSO 24 jun 2014

if suppose PSTF major code and other than the PSTF major code course is there in gridview as follows

Course Name Batch Date

 MFA 24 jun 2014 (AMC Major Code)

 EFA 24 jun 2014 (BMC Major Code)

 RPST 26 jun 2014 (PSTF Major Code)

RPSCRB 26 jun 2014 (PSTF Major Code)

in the above output the PSTF major code course and other than the PSTF major code course is there.

for that how can i validate in asp.net using c#.


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