I am using the WhatsAppApi.NET to send whats app messages however i dont know how to get a access code for my phone number as i see that https://github.com/mgp25/WART code generator no longer works
So is there a Free way to use this package and get a access code for my phone.
This is my code for the api so far for the console app C#
- static void Main(string[] args) {
- string password = "";
- string Nickname = "Joe";
- string Fromnumber = "121312432";
- string ToNumber = "12312434";
- string msg = "";
- WhatsApp wap = new WhatsApp(Fromnumber, password, Nickname, false, false);
- wap.OnConnectSuccess += () =>{
- Console.WriteLine("Connection Successfully");
- wap.OnLoginSuccess += (PhoneNumber, data) =>{
- wap.SendMessage(ToNumber, msg);
- Console.WriteLine("Message Sent!");
- };
- wap.OnLoginFailed += (data) =>{
- Console.WriteLine("Login Fail due to {0}", data);
- };
- wap.Login();
- };
- wap.OnConnectFailed += (ex) =>{
- Console.WriteLine("Connection Failed...");
- };
- Console.ReadLine();
- }