
Using TableAdapter to insert related data into MS Access Database



I was working through Beth Massi's article, "Using TableAdapters to Insert Related Data into an MS Access Database" here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bethmassi/archive/2009/05/14/using-tableadapters-to-insert-related-data-into-an-ms-access-database.aspx
And I configured the TableAdapter exactly as shown by Beth, yet I am getting an error here:
The Error says: "You must enter a value in the 'OrderDetails.CustomerID' field."
I am using this code for inserting a related record:
Namespace MyDataSetTableAdapters

Public Class AccessIDHelper
'<summary> 'Retrieves the primary key autonumber values from Access '</summary> '<remarks></remarks>

Public Shared Sub SetPrimaryKey(ByVal trans As OleDbTransaction, ByVal e As OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs)

If e.Status = UpdateStatus.Continue AndAlso e.StatementType = StatementType.Insert Then

' If this is an INSERT operation...

Dim CustomerID = e.Row.Table.PrimaryKey
' and a primary key column exists...

If CustomerID IsNot Nothing AndAlso CustomerID.Count = 1 Then

Dim cmdGetIdentity As New OleDbCommand("SELECT @@IDENTITY", trans.Connection, trans)
' Execute the post-update query to fetch new @@Identity

e.Row(CustomerID(0)) = CInt(cmdGetIdentity.ExecuteScalar) e.Row.AcceptChanges() End If

End If

End Sub

End Class

Partial Public Class CustomerTableAdapter

Private Sub _adapter_RowUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs) Handles _adapter.RowUpdated AccessIDHelper.SetPrimaryKey(Me.Transaction, e)
End Sub

and this for this code for inserting a new record:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click

If MsgBox("Yes or No", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then

Dim newOrderDetailsRow As MyDataSet.OrderDetailsRow newOrderDetailsRow =


newOrderDetailsRow.OrderCategory = txtOrderCategory.Text

'newOrderDetailsRow.Discounts = Val(ComboDiscounts.SelectedValue)

newOrderDetailsRow.Region = txtRegion.Text
----------------- etc etc


' Save the new row to the database

Me.OrderDetailsTableAdapter.Update(newOrderDetailsRow) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Error Here Me.Close()

Dim f As Form = New AddNewOrderDetailsForm


End If

End Sub

I am not able to insert and move on as I am getting the error marked above.
What could be possibly wrong with the above code and why is this giving an error ?? It should work as Beth explains.
Please help.
Answers (1)