using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
namespace Question2
public enum TGCEmployeeType { A, B, c, a }; //Declaring ENUM that is used to define the type of employee.
public struct TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo //defining struct that will contain the salary information for each employee
public double points2;//points for c
public double points1;//points for b
public double billok;//bill for accept on pays
public int i;//continue number for bill accepted
public double average;
public int bill1;//abill b
public int bill2;//bill c
public int bill3;//bill a
public int bill;//billa
public double pays3;//pays emoplyee befor Accept a
public double pays2;//pays emoplyee befor Accept c
public double pays1;//pays emoplyee befor Accept b
public double pays;//pays emoplyee befor Accept a
public double salary3;//salary empolyee a
public double salary2;//salary empolyee c
public double salary1;//salary empolyee b
public double salary;//salary empolyee a
public double baseSalary;//extra salare for emopyees
public double Secretary;//worker a
public double salaryBonus;//extra salare
public int hours;
public TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo(TGCEmployeeType emType) //constructor for salary info sruct
this.hours = 0;
this.points2 = 0;//points empolyee c
this.points1 = 0;//points empolyee b
this.average = 0;
this.i = 0;
this.bill1 = 0;
this.bill2 = 0;
this.bill3 = 0;
this.bill = 0;
this.billok = 0;
this.pays3 = 0;
this.pays2 = 0;
this.pays1 = 0;
this.pays = 0;
this.salary3 = 0;
this.salary2 = 0;
this.salary1 = 0;
this.salary = 0;
this.bill = 0;
this.baseSalary = 0;
this.Secretary = 0;//a
this.salaryBonus = 0;
if (emType == (TGCEmployeeType)2) // employee type is number points b
this.salaryBonus = points1;
if (emType == (TGCEmployeeType)3) // employee type is number points c
this.salaryBonus = points2;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DateTime myDate = new DateTime(2015, 12, 25, 10, 30, 45);//the date
int year = myDate.Year; // 2015
int month = myDate.Month; //12
int day = myDate.Day; // 25
int hour = myDate.Hour; // 10
int minute = myDate.Minute; // 30
int second = myDate.Second; // 45
int weekDay = (int)myDate.DayOfWeek; // 5 due to Friday
TGCEmployeeArray empArray = new TGCEmployeeArray(); //Creating an empty list of employees.
int x;
Console.WriteLine("1 : : opitins " + "\n2 : : employee" + "\n3 : : exit");//display user
x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (x == 1)
// Console.WriteLine("Enter date in DD/MM/YYYY format"); //and date.
// DateTime aDay = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine());//enter date today
// Console.WriteLine("today is : ");
// Console.WriteLine(aDay.Day);//dat of day
/* if (aDay.Day == 20)//receive all bill accepet in 20 of each month
Console.WriteLine("1 add empolyee"); //1-Enter a new employee
Console.WriteLine("2 edit empolyee"); //2-Update an existing employee
Console.WriteLine("3=Delete employee"); //3-Deleting an employee
Console.WriteLine("4=Print employee list"); //4-Printing the employee list
Console.WriteLine("5=Print bills");
Console.WriteLine("6=print numbers names empolyees"); //print numbers and names empolyees
Console.WriteLine("7=print numbers names and average in to day for empolyees");
Console.WriteLine("Any other number to Exit");
int userChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (userChoice)
case 1: //If user wishes to enter new employee
TGCEmployee emp = CreateNewWorker(); //Asking for employee information by creating a new employee.
if (!(empArray.Contains(emp))) //Checking to see that employee does not exist
empArray.Add(emp); //If the employee does not exist in the list then we can add it.
Console.WriteLine("Can not add new worker. This worker already exists");
case 2: //If user wishes to edit an employee
case 3:
DeleteEmployee(empArray); //if user wishes to delete an employee from the list
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
x = 0; //If user has chosen to exit the system.
if (x == 2)
Console.WriteLine("Enter date in DD/MM/YYYY format"); //and date.
DateTime aDay = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine());//enter date today
Console.WriteLine("the week is : ");//number today
if (aDay.Day == 25)//receive salary and pAYs empolyee in finally week of each a month
Console.WriteLine("2= edit empolyee"); //2-Update an existing employee
Console.WriteLine("5=print payes empolyee (accept)");// display bill accept
Console.WriteLine("1=print number points");
Console.WriteLine("3=print pointtype");//type worker a b c
Console.WriteLine("4=total empolyee in month"); // all money in month
Console.WriteLine("6=print bill aceept of empolyer");//known bill accept
int userChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (userChoice)
case 2: //If user wishes to edit an employee
case 1:
case 5:
case 3:
case 4:
case 6:
} while (x != 3);//Checking to see if to continue running the system
static TGCEmployee CreateNewWorker()//Method for creating a new employee.
TGCEmployee emp;//A new employee consists of the basic information which is
Console.WriteLine("Enter number empolyee:"); //The empolyee number
string number = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter name:"); //The name
string name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter date in DD/MM/YYYY format"); //and date.
DateTime bDay = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Is worker 1=Secretary(A), 2=Sales(B), 3=Manager(c), 4=Top Manager(A)?"); //Also asking for the type a or b or c
TGCEmployeeType workerType = (TGCEmployeeType)int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;
TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo salInfo = GetSalaryInfo(workerType); //and the salary information
emp = new TGCEmployee(number, name, bDay, workerType, salInfo); //with all the info can create a new employee
return emp;
static void EditEmployee(TGCEmployeeArray employees) //Method for editing an employee and his info
TGCEmployee emp = GetEmployeeInfo(); //First getting basic info about employee to edit.
TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo salInfo = new TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo();
if (employees.Contains(emp)) //Then checking that list has this employee (if not can not edit)
Console.WriteLine("Has worker position changed? 1=Yes, 2=No");
int changeType = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (changeType == 1) //If employee type has changed
{ //then ask for new type
Console.Write("1=edit salary+add pays\n2=edit salary and points");
TGCEmployeeType workerType = (TGCEmployeeType)int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;
salInfo = GetSalaryInfo(workerType); //and then ask for his salary info
employees.Replace(emp, workerType, salInfo); //and finally replace the info in the salary list.
else //if type ha not changed
salInfo = GetSalaryInfo(employees.Find(emp)); //then get only the salary info (without the need for the type)
employees.Replace(emp, employees.Find(emp), salInfo); //and finally replace the info in the salary list.
Console.WriteLine("There is no such employee");
static void DeleteEmployee(TGCEmployeeArray employees) //Method for deleting an employee from the list
TGCEmployee emp = GetEmployeeInfo(); //First getting the info of the employee to delete
if (employees.Contains(emp)) //Then checking if he exists in the list
Console.WriteLine("Deleting employee");
employees.Remove(emp); //If he exists then delete him
Console.WriteLine("There is no such employee"); //If he does not exist then tell the user
static TGCEmployee GetEmployeeInfo() //A method for getting the basic information about an employee which includes
Console.WriteLine("Enter number of the employee");
string nu = Console.ReadLine(); //His First name
Console.WriteLine("Enter name of the employee");
string na = Console.ReadLine(); //His last name
Console.WriteLine("Enter birth date in DD/MM/YYYY format");
DateTime bDay = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //And his birthday
TGCEmployee emp = new TGCEmployee(nu, na, bDay);
return emp; //and then we can create an emplyee object (without adding him to the list)
static TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo GetSalaryInfo(TGCEmployeeType empType) //A method for getting the salary info about a certain employee type from the user
TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo salInfo = new TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo(empType);
switch (empType) //A switch to see what the type is so that the correct questions could be asked
case (TGCEmployeeType)0:
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter salary");//salary in month
salInfo.salary = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter number hours work");
salInfo.hours = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter cost one hour");
salInfo.salary = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter add work hours ");
int add = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("enter number bill if u empolyer enter 0");//for bill really
salInfo.bill = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("what is pays for 1 day only if u empolyer enter 0");//pays empolyee
salInfo.pays = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //if it is a sales person than ask for base salary, number of sales and bomus per sale
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Salary");//salary empolyee
salInfo.salary1 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("enter number bill if u empolyer enter 0");
salInfo.bill1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("what is pays for 1 day only if u empolyer enter 0");
salInfo.pays1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter number points");//number points a
salInfo.points1 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //if it is a manager than ask for the base salary. The bonus is currently constant as part of the salary info struct
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Salary");
salInfo.salary2 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("enter number bill if u empolyer enter 0");
salInfo.bill2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("what is pays for 1 day only if u empolyer enter 0");
salInfo.pays2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter number points");
salInfo.points2 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
case (TGCEmployeeType)3: //if it is a top manager than ask for the base salary. The bonus is currently constant as part of the salary info struct
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter salary");
salInfo.salary3 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("enter number bill if u empolyer enter 0");
salInfo.bill3 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("what is pays for 1 day only if u empolyer enter 0");
salInfo.pays3 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
return salInfo;
class TGCEmployee //An employee class which includes all the information about an employee, ways to retrieve and set the info, and calculate its salary
string Number;
string thename;
DateTime birthDate;
TGCEmployeeType employeeType;
TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo employeeSalaryInfo;
public TGCEmployee(string num, string name, DateTime bDay) //first constructor which creates an employee without his salary info and type.
Number = num;
thename = name;
birthDate = bDay;
public TGCEmployee(string num, string name, DateTime bDay, TGCEmployeeType empType, TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo salInfo) //second constructor which creates an employee with all info
Number = num;
thename = name;
birthDate = bDay;
employeeType = empType;
employeeSalaryInfo = salInfo;
public string empolyeenumber //property method for getting the first name
return this.Number;
public string nameempolyee //property method for getting the last name
return this.thename;
public DateTime BirthDate //property method for getting the date
return this.birthDate;
public TGCEmployeeType EmployeeType //property method for getting the type of employee or setting it (in case it changed)
return this.employeeType;
this.employeeType = value;
public TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo SalaryInfo //property method for setting new salary information for the employee
this.employeeSalaryInfo = value;
public double numpoints()//calculter number points
double numpoints = 0;
switch (employeeType)
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //if employee is a secretary (b) number point
numpoints = numpoints + employeeSalaryInfo.points1;
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //if employee is a (c) number points
numpoints = employeeSalaryInfo.points2;
return numpoints;
public int numbill()//number bill
int numbill = 0;
switch (employeeType)
case (TGCEmployeeType)0: //if employee is a secretary than multiply wage per hour by hours worked
numbill = employeeSalaryInfo.bill;
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //if employee is a secretary than multiply wage per hour by hours worked
numbill = employeeSalaryInfo.bill;
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //if employee is a secretary than multiply wage per hour by hours worked
numbill = employeeSalaryInfo.bill;
case (TGCEmployeeType)3: //if employee is a secretary than multiply wage per hour by hours worked
numbill = employeeSalaryInfo.bill;
return numbill;
public double totalmonth()//number bill
double total = 0;
switch (employeeType)
case (TGCEmployeeType)0: //EMPOLYEE take salary end month + payes accept
total = employeeSalaryInfo.salary;
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
total = (employeeSalaryInfo.pays) + (employeeSalaryInfo.salary);
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //EMPOLYEE take salary end month + payes accept
total = employeeSalaryInfo.salary;
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
total = (employeeSalaryInfo.pays) + (employeeSalaryInfo.salary);
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //EMPOLYEE take salary end month + payes accept
total = employeeSalaryInfo.salary;
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
total = (employeeSalaryInfo.pays) + (employeeSalaryInfo.salary);
case (TGCEmployeeType)3: //EMPOLYEE take salary end month + payes accept
total = employeeSalaryInfo.salary;
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
total = (employeeSalaryInfo.pays) + (employeeSalaryInfo.salary);
return total;
public int i()// number contunue for accept pays
int i;
i = 0;
switch (employeeType)
case (TGCEmployeeType)0: //if employee is A number contunue
i = employeeSalaryInfo.i + 1;
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //if employee is b number contunue
i = employeeSalaryInfo.i + 1;
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //if employee is a c number contunue
i = employeeSalaryInfo.i + 1;
case (TGCEmployeeType)3: //if employee is a number contunue
i = employeeSalaryInfo.i + 1;
return i;
public double paymonth()//cacluter pays empolyee in the month
double paymonth = 0;
switch (employeeType)
case (TGCEmployeeType)0: //if pays empolyee a eless or requal 5000 >>>>average =pays/2+ salary/2( /30(day in month))
paymonth = (employeeSalaryInfo.salary) + (((employeeSalaryInfo.salary / 2) / 30) * 30);
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
paymonth = paymonth + (((employeeSalaryInfo.pays / 2) / 30) * 30);
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //if pays empolyee b eless or requal 5000 >>>>average =pays/2+ salary/2( /30(day in month))
paymonth = (employeeSalaryInfo.salary1) + (((employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 / 2) / 30) * 30);
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays1 <= 5000)
paymonth = paymonth + (((employeeSalaryInfo.pays1 / 2) / 30) * 30);
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //if pays empolyee c eless or requal 5000 >>>>average =pays/2+ salary/2( /30(day in month))
paymonth = (employeeSalaryInfo.salary2) + (((employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 / 2) / 30) * 30);
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays2 <= 5000)
paymonth = paymonth + (((employeeSalaryInfo.pays2 / 2) / 30) * 30);
case (TGCEmployeeType)3: //if pays empolyee a eless or requal 5000 >>>>average =pays/2+ salary/2( /30(day in month))
paymonth = (employeeSalaryInfo.salary3) + (((employeeSalaryInfo.salary3 / 2) / 30) * 30);
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays3 <= 5000)
paymonth = paymonth + (((employeeSalaryInfo.pays3 / 2) / 30) * 30);
return paymonth;
public double avreage()//cacluter average payes aceept from empolyer
double average = 0;
switch (employeeType)
case (TGCEmployeeType)0: //if pays empolyee a eless or requal 5000 >>>>average =pays/2+ salary/2( /30(day in month))
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
average = (employeeSalaryInfo.pays / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary / 2) / 30);
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //if pays empolyee b eless or requal 5000 >>>>average =pays/2+ salary/2( /30(day in month))
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays1 <= 5000)
if (employeeSalaryInfo.points1 >= 80)
average = (((employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 * 2 / 2) / 360) + (employeeSalaryInfo.pays1 / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 / 2) / 30)); // base salary with bess in years >>in day /360
if ((employeeSalaryInfo.points1 <= 79) && (employeeSalaryInfo.points1 > 65))
average = (((employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 * 1.5 / 2) / 360) + (employeeSalaryInfo.pays1 / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 / 2) / 30));
if ((employeeSalaryInfo.points1 <= 64) && (employeeSalaryInfo.points1 > 50))
average = (employeeSalaryInfo.salary1) + (employeeSalaryInfo.pays1 / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 / 2) / 30);
if (employeeSalaryInfo.points1 < 50)
average = (employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 * 0) + (employeeSalaryInfo.pays1 / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 / 2) / 30);
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //if pays empolyee c eless or requal 5000 >>>>average =pays/2+ salary/2( /30(day in month))
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays2 <= 5000)
if (employeeSalaryInfo.points2 >= 80)
average = (((employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 * 2 / 2) / 360) + (employeeSalaryInfo.pays2 / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 / 2) / 30)); // base salary with bess in years >>in day /360
if ((employeeSalaryInfo.points2 <= 79) && (employeeSalaryInfo.points2 > 65))
average = (((employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 * 1.5 / 2) / 360) + (employeeSalaryInfo.pays2 / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 / 2) / 30));
if ((employeeSalaryInfo.points2 <= 64) && (employeeSalaryInfo.points2 > 50))
average = (employeeSalaryInfo.salary2) + (employeeSalaryInfo.pays2 / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 / 2) / 30);
if (employeeSalaryInfo.points2 < 50)
average = (employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 * 0) + (employeeSalaryInfo.pays2 / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 / 2) / 30);
case (TGCEmployeeType)3: //if pays empolyee a eless or requal 5000 >>>>average =pays/2+ salary/2( /30(day in month))
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
average = (employeeSalaryInfo.pays / 2) + ((employeeSalaryInfo.salary / 2) / 30);
return average;
public double billok()//accept pays
double billok = 0;
switch (employeeType)
case (TGCEmployeeType)0: //if employee is a <=5000>>>>bill accept
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
billok = billok + employeeSalaryInfo.pays;
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //if employee is b <=5000>>>>bill accept
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
billok = billok + employeeSalaryInfo.pays1;
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //if employee is c <=5000>>>>bill accept
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
billok = billok + employeeSalaryInfo.pays2;
case (TGCEmployeeType)3: //if employee is a top manager than add the bonus to the base salary
if (employeeSalaryInfo.pays <= 5000)
billok = billok + employeeSalaryInfo.pays3;
return billok;
public double Salary() // the employee's salary
double thesalary = 0;
switch (employeeType)
case (TGCEmployeeType)0: //salary empolyee a
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary;
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //salary empolyee b
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary1;
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //salary empolyee c
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary2;
case (TGCEmployeeType)3: //salary empolyee a
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary3;
return thesalary;
public double CalcSalary() //method for calculating the employee's salary with extra in year
double thesalary = 0;
switch (employeeType)
case (TGCEmployeeType)1: //if employee is a sales person than multiply number of sales by bonus per sale and add that to the base salary
if (employeeSalaryInfo.points1 >= 80)
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 * 2;// base salary in years
if ((employeeSalaryInfo.points1 <= 79) && (employeeSalaryInfo.points1 > 65))
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 * 1.5;
if ((employeeSalaryInfo.points1 <= 64) && (employeeSalaryInfo.points1 > 50))
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary1;
if (employeeSalaryInfo.points1 < 50)
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary1 * 0;
case (TGCEmployeeType)2: //if employee is(b) than add the bonus to the base salary
if (employeeSalaryInfo.points2 >= 80)
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 * 2;// base salary in years
if ((employeeSalaryInfo.points2 <= 79) && (employeeSalaryInfo.points2 > 65))
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 * 1.5;
if ((employeeSalaryInfo.points2 <= 64) && (employeeSalaryInfo.points2 > 50))
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary2;
if (employeeSalaryInfo.points2 < 50)
thesalary = employeeSalaryInfo.salary2 * 0;
case (TGCEmployeeType)3: //if employee is a top manager than add the bonus to the base salary
return thesalary;
class TGCEmployeeArray //A class for dealing with a list of employees
private ArrayList employees; //class is based on an array list
public TGCEmployeeArray() //and constructor just creates an empty array list
employees = new ArrayList();
public void Add(TGCEmployee emp) //when adding an employee to the list it is
employees.Add(emp); //just added to the array list
public bool Contains(TGCEmployee emp) //a method for checking if an employee is contained in the list.
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees) //going through the list and if the same employee (same first name, last name and birthday) is found than he is contained in the list
if ((emp.empolyeenumber.ToLower() == e.empolyeenumber.ToLower()) && (emp.nameempolyee.ToLower() == e.nameempolyee.ToLower()) && (emp.BirthDate == e.BirthDate))
return true;
return false;
public void Remove(TGCEmployee emp) //a method for removing an employee from the list.
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees) //if same employee (same first name, same last name and birthdate) is found in the list
if ((emp.empolyeenumber.ToLower() == e.empolyeenumber.ToLower()) && (emp.nameempolyee.ToLower() == e.nameempolyee.ToLower()) && (emp.BirthDate == e.BirthDate))
employees.Remove(e); //then it can be removed.
public TGCEmployeeType Find(TGCEmployee emp) //a method for finding an employee in the list and returning his employee type
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
if ((emp.empolyeenumber.ToLower() == e.empolyeenumber.ToLower()) && (emp.nameempolyee.ToLower() == e.nameempolyee.ToLower()) && (emp.BirthDate == e.BirthDate))
return e.EmployeeType;
return (TGCEmployeeType)0;
public void Replace(TGCEmployee emp, TGCEmployeeType emType, TGCEmployeeSalaryInfo salInfo) //a method for replacing an employees info. only type and salary info could be replaced
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees) //finding employee to replace
if ((emp.empolyeenumber.ToLower() == e.empolyeenumber.ToLower()) && (emp.nameempolyee.ToLower() == e.nameempolyee.ToLower()) && (emp.BirthDate == e.BirthDate))
e.EmployeeType = emType; //replacing type
e.SalaryInfo = salInfo; //replacing salary info
public void pointtype()//names empolyees and points and type b
Console.WriteLine("number \tname \tnumpoints\ttype emp ");
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", e.empolyeenumber.PadRight(11), e.nameempolyee.PadRight(10), e.numpoints().ToString().PadRight(9), e.EmployeeType.ToString().PadRight(9));
public void numpoint() //a method for printing all employees in the list icluding name, type and points.number,number
Console.WriteLine("number \tname \tnumberoints");
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", e.empolyeenumber.PadRight(11), e.nameempolyee.PadRight(10), e.numpoints().ToString().PadRight(9));
public void numnam() //display numbers and names empolyees
Console.WriteLine("number \tname ");
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", e.empolyeenumber.PadRight(11), e.nameempolyee.PadRight(10));
public void totalmonth() //display total money in end month
Console.WriteLine("number \tname \ttotal in month ");
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", e.empolyeenumber.PadRight(11), e.nameempolyee.PadRight(10), e.totalmonth().ToString());
public void billofok() //a method for printing all employees in the list icluding number ,name,bill accepted,number bill really ,number contunue
Console.WriteLine("number \tname \tpay accept\tnum bill \tcon num ");
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}", e.empolyeenumber.PadRight(11), e.nameempolyee.PadRight(10), e.billok().ToString().PadRight(9), e.numbill().ToString().PadLeft(8), e.i().ToString());
public void averagetoday() //print numbers and names empolyees and average in today
Console.WriteLine("number \tname \taverage ");
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", e.empolyeenumber.PadRight(11), e.nameempolyee.PadRight(10), e.avreage().ToString().PadRight(9));
public void Print() //a method for printing all employees in the list icluding name, date, type (A,B,C) AND salary,
Console.WriteLine("number \tname \t Date\tWorker Type\tbasesalar ");
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}", e.empolyeenumber.PadRight(11), e.nameempolyee.PadRight(10), e.BirthDate.ToShortDateString(), e.EmployeeType.ToString().PadRight(9), e.CalcSalary().ToString().PadRight(8));
Console.WriteLine("average \tpaye inmonth");
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", e.avreage().ToString().PadRight(11), e.paymonth().ToString().PadRight(10));
Console.WriteLine("number \tname \tsalary");
foreach (TGCEmployee e in employees)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", e.empolyeenumber.PadRight(11), e.nameempolyee.PadRight(10), e.Salary());