
Using gridview event to display image in gridview in IMAGE



Hi All,

1. My colleague and Me have created a small vb.net application, we are storing some data & images using this application. The destination path for this images is the "vb.net application startup path" + the Image folder, which we created in the application folder.

The file path will be like "C:\Documents and Settings\suresh\Desktop\RegIR_NEW\RegIR\bin\Debug\ ..\..\Images\8-Q-IMG.jpg".

where "C:\Documents and Settings\suresh\Desktop\RegIR_NEW\RegIR\bin\Debug" is the "vb.net application startup path" and "\..\..\Images\8-Q-IMG.jpg" is the image folder name and the image name.

The image is stored in "Images folder" and the file path will be stored in Database.

2. I need to create an asp.net web application where I can retrieve the data from the database. on the click of a button I can able to retrieve the table from databse in Gridview.

What I want now is on the click of "SELECT Event or by any other event in gridview", I must get the corresponding image in that row in "Image Control"

Since in Gridview the image is in filepath I do not know how to display the image.

Can any one please please help on this?. If you have any doubt please let me know.

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