Hi I'm trying to open sharepoint dialog using spfx extension in which using typing able to get the SP.UI.ModalDialog Object in ts file of the extension.
And the code #
executes completely without any error. But unfortunately no dialog is visible. below is the onexecute Method of the extension.
public onExecute(event: IListViewCommandSetExecuteEventParameters): void
switch (event.itemId)
case 'COMMAND_1':
let ele = document.createElement('div');
let options =
title: "My Dialog Title", width: 400, height: 300, url: "https://*****.sharepoint.com/sites/***/home.aspx" }; //
SP.SOD.execute('sp.ui.dialog.js', 'SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog', options);
case 'COMMAND_2': Dialog.alert(`${this.properties.sampleTextTwo}`);
default: throw new Error('Unknown command'); }
Any idea why the sharepoint dialog is not visible, i m trying this on modern site. Any help is highly appreciated.