
Usage of Threading in .Net 4.0 with WCF

Narayanan M

Narayanan M

In our Web Application, We are using .Net Framework 4.0 with WCF Services.
We have a WCF Service with some DB operations after which
it generates a Report (Report Generation takes time).
Here user does not need to wait until the report gets generated and hence we have thought
of implementing Threading ( using System.Threading.Thread class and call this ReportGeneration in a new
Thread from the main thread immediately after DB operations are over).
Is it suggested to go ahead with Normal Threading or do we have a better approach ?
(Note :- We use .Net Framework 4.0 with WCF Services and WCF Service settings being set as InstanceContextMode = PerCall and ConcurrencyMode set to Single )
Please advise.
Answers (2)