
Upload Data from ExcelSheet to Sql Database



Hello Guys,
I have one project of client and client's requirement is that he want to upload data from Excel-sheet to Sql Database using web page in asp.net c#  
I know simple how to upload data from Excel-sheet to Sql DB table but Question is that(?) - Suppose 1st time client upload 10 record from 1 sheet to Sql Db and 2nd time client and more 5 record in Excle-Sheet so total record is 15 and then client upload record then I have already 10 old record and this new 15 record upload then total 25 record inserting in Sql Db but I need to upload only last added 5 records only into Sql Db and also client made changes in 1st record then it also be updated in Sql DB.
 So how it possible in best way for manage or sync Database
Technology : Asp.net 4.0/4.5, C#, Sql Server 
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