
Understanding datasets in c#/visual studio 2005

Baruch F

Baruch F

I need help understand how to use datasets and queries etc in c# using visual studio 2005.  The problem I am working on right now is that I have made a query in my dataset using the designer, and now I cannot seem to figure out how to access it.  I need the query which is one string (not a collection of strings or something else) to be a label.  The query name is qryAgency().  I want to execute the following code and it won't work and I am sure it's obvious to someone why.

lblAgency.text = qryAgency();

Intellisense doesn't even show me qryAgency() so I know I am waaaaaaaaaaaay off.  This is an Access DB.  I know PHP with mysql but c# with Access is pretty new to me.  Certainly the data section of it is.
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