
Unable to Deploy a ssis p;roject in integration service ctlg

ghayaz ahmed

ghayaz ahmed

I have one table in sql server i.e tab1 which is having one column i.e name which contains 5 records and i wud like to copy this tab1 in destination tab2 table within same database so i have done and it is working fine if i run the package so after that i try to deploy the project to sql server "integration services catalog" so i have created "SSISD" in "integration services catalog"  and after this i went sql server data tools where my package is present so i right click on my project and click on deploy a wizard appears and it ask for source and destination for project deployment i have given the paths to it at last i click on ok button the wizards gets fails below is the files which i am going to attach please find the solution.

Attachment: ALL_SUPPORT_DOCS.zip

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