Hello Team,
I want to implement data filtering, by using date range to filter the booking and the final column will sum up below as shown on the screenshot.
![](https://www.csharp.com/forums/uploadfile/ee92c2/11272024150404PM/Count Total.png)
public ActionResult GetAllBookingHistoryPDF(string RoomNumber, string sDate = null, string eDate = null)
DateTime? startDate = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDate))
startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(sDate);
DateTime? endDate = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eDate))
endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(eDate);
var bookingList = objHotelDbEntities.RoomBookings.Join(objHotelDbEntities.Rooms,
booking => booking.AssignRoomId,
room => room.RoomId,
(booking, room) => new { booking = booking, room = room });
var modifiedData = bookingList.GroupBy(x => new { x.booking.BookingFrom, x.booking.BookingTo, x.booking.BookingId }).Select(x => new AllBookingDetail
CustomerName = x.FirstOrDefault().booking.CustomerName,
Address = x.FirstOrDefault().booking.Address,
PhoneNo = x.FirstOrDefault().booking.PhoneNo,
BookingFrom = x.Key.BookingFrom,
BookingTo = x.Key.BookingTo,
BookingId = x.FirstOrDefault().booking.BookingId,
RoomNumber = x.FirstOrDefault().room.RoomNumber,
NoOfMembers = x.FirstOrDefault().booking.NoOfMembers,
numberOfDays = System.Data.Entity.DbFunctions.DiffDays(x.Key.BookingFrom, x.Key.BookingTo).Value,
RoomPrice = x.FirstOrDefault().room.RoomPrice,
TotalAmount = x.Sum(a=>a.booking.TotalAmount)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDate) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(eDate))
DateTime fromDate = DateTime.Parse(sDate);
DateTime toDate = DateTime.Parse(eDate);
modifiedData = modifiedData.Where(a => (a.BookingFrom) >= fromDate && (a.BookingTo) <= toDate).OrderBy(x => x.BookingFrom).ToList();
decimal total = 0;
if (modifiedData != null && modifiedData.Count() > 0)
total = modifiedData.Sum(a => a.TotalAmount)
return Json(modifiedData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);