I have created test account and using test ID and TOken for sending sms using mvc c# the code excutes successfully but it is not sending any sms .
var accountSid = "AC5e25d8a4266b39ac8769cd1f6ee0c6cc3";
var authToken = "e8c21c9556cf64a75066f12cfa96c";
TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);
body: "There's always money in the banana stand.",
from: new PhoneNumber("+16073502552"),
to: new PhoneNumber("+923219494158")
catch (ApiException ex)
if (ex.Code == 21614)
Console.WriteLine("Uh oh, looks like this caller can't receive SMS messages.");
I read many articles someone said that for test account the from number need to be fixed like this "+15005550006" I did that as well . but it sucessfully run without sending any message when i use their portal to send the message with same credentials it works