Hello all, I am trying to learn how to use restsharp to pull information from the OTC website. I cannot figure out the best way to do this. If anyone can give me a recommendation or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thank you and here is the direct page link https://www.otcmarkets.com/research/stock-screener
This is a public page as well and does not have credentials. I also do not have any sort of api key
GET /research/stock-screener/api/downloadCSV?pageSize=20 HTTP/1.1
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Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: close
Referer: https://www.otcmarkets.com/research/stock-screener
Cookie: _ga=GA1.2.1277172939.1583161227; __gads=ID=256e3a188a72d8ad-22ff653336c300e1:T=1599055247:S=ALNI_Mb_aoACRNxi2POXLuRICB4CByLMIg; _awl=2.1599055289.0.4-184fb53b-1b7cf14c998448930096f9c884514b9b-6763652d75732d7765737431-5f4fa5b9-0; __qca=P0-1517024460-1583161291270
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