I use the following function in my controller:
- sum = 0;
- total_price = 0;
- get grandTotal() {
- this.total_price = this.quantity * this.product_price;
- this.sum += this.total_price;
- return this.sum;
- }
I get quantity and product_price from the onSubmit function:
- onSubmit(quantity, product_price){
- this.product_price = parseFloat(product_price);
- const data = {
- quantity,
- product_price
- };
- this.items.push(data);
- localStorage.setItem('items', JSON.stringify(this.items));
- }
I display grandTotal with the following:
- <div> {{ grandTotal | currency:'USD':true }} </div>
I get wild values for grandTotal and I get the error: Error: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked.