I have three table in sql server database
Tables are:-
1. StudentDtl(RollNo,Name,CourseCode,Semesester)
2. CourseMarkMaster(CourseCode,ToatalMarks,PassMarks)
3.StudentMarkDtl(RollNo,CourseCode, ObtainMarks,GraceMarks)
Maintain Grace Markss
create trigger for GraceMark
1. Grace-100 obtatinMarks is between 36-39
then grace is 4,3,2,1
2. RollNo should be mapped with table 1 use Store Procedure.
ObtainMarks not negative and not greater then TotalMarks
CouresCode should be Mapped with table 2
RollNo | TextBox |
Course | DropDownlist |
ObtainMarks | textbox |
| btnsubmit |