
TreeNode.NavigateUrl issue

The  Treeview node is a linked to a PDF which opens directly in a new browser tab when clicked. I want to call a procedure  to store some values when I click on the node and before it opens PDF in new browser. 
I tried SelectedNodeChanged event but it is not firing. Then I found on MSDN website that
When a node is in navigation mode, all selection events are disabled for that node. Clicking the node in navigation mode links the user to the  specific URL
I am populating node on demand
Dim TNode1 As New TreeNode 
Dim CNode1 As New TreeNode
CNode1.Text = GetReportTitle(oDS.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("ABCD")) & " - " & oDS.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("ABSTRACT")
CNode1.NavigateUrl = Replace(oDS.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("FILEPATH").ToString, "E:\XYV", sWWWServer) 
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