
Tree Mnue from DataBase



i have build function to get daynamic mnue from DB    and  give tree style within function ,  then view it   viewpage  like this 

(<div><ul class="myUL">
<li><span class="caret">main</span>
 <li><span class="caret">submain1</span> 
<ul class="nested"></span> <ul class="nested">
</ul><li><span class="caret">main2</span> <li><span class="caret">main3</span> </div></ul>)

but i have an problem when i redirect fro page to other page  the TreeMnue render again from the first so if i was opened an sub sub sub mnue and i  want when i trnsfter to other page the sub sub sum mnue be expand as previous page 


Note : the viewpage at layout , but each time u call an page the render it . 


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