
Tranning. Development command. Free!

Mike Jonson

Mike Jonson


I would like to offer some sort of jointly implement the project in commands. To each person had their own role. This will big experience, especially for beginners.

And now in more detail about the project (we can another project create, tell your offers):

So, what would it be for the project. You get the message. You buy a tutorial and reference automatically comes into your email. All of this happens by itself, without human intervention. Well, of course, you guessed it, we are talking about the development of CRM-like system for order management, subscriptions, products

Theme is clear, now about technology. We will use ASP.NET MVC 3, that is the most advanced technology development of web sites from Microsoft. Together with this, I plan to use the Entity Framework as a way to access the database. All this - are in themselves important skills that are useful to everyone. In combination with the experience of teamwork will be invaluable!


Need 4 people who already have sufficient knowledge of C # and is highly desirable to html and javascript. Knowledge of ASP.NET MVC would also come in handy, but instead they come and the ability to learn quickly. I said that the training will be close to combat conditions, so that "make me something that you do not know quickly" - a very common requirement of the customer. So to be able to quickly explore the unknown - a useful skill, very much!

In this training, dialed the developers who really want to practice, practice and more practice. BUT! If you are an architect at heart, or you are interested to be a tester - you are welcome, and you will find here a worthy place! In other words - the more roles, the closer to reality, get a team! To every thing there is!

I have little experience and need to get in command was a man who would lead others to give assignments and test.

With the decomposition we divide all the major tasks into smaller subtasks, and each of us will receive a set of subtasks that must be done at any given time. Once you do a task, you send it to the test (not me, I have little experience). In case of successful implementation you start the next task, if not successful - you fix it. And so as long as Mosaic does not work out and at the output we obtain a new and useful system for order management.

Once a week or as needed, we will hold joint meetings on Skype, future plans and objectives. Everyone will talk about their achievements, share ideas and together we will solve them. Throughout the training, we will communicate with each other by e-mail, address current issues. Just as in real life.

Who wants to participate, submit it here. If there's anyone what any suggestions, please write too.
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