
Thread Suspend/ Thread Abort

David Smith

David Smith


I have a sample application that using ListenToStartThread(StartTestSequence) and ListenToStopThread(StopTestSequence) which is using the system.threading namespace.

I have a sequence of tests that is executed in the StartTestSequence.

In the StopTestSequence thread, the sequence of tests suppose to stop execution because of something fail in the sequence of tests.

My question is, what is the best way to handle the StartTestSequence thread if an test sequence execution failure happen in my sequence of test, DO I ABORT THREAD or SUSPEND THREAD?

Let me define test sequence failure in my context. A test sequencec failure in my application or context of software is a failure where the application no longer needs to run unless the thread is re-initialize if that makes sense. At the moment the the thread is constantly running in the background waiting for something to happen.

Someone give me some assistance on this context.

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