
These forums need better Firefox support.



Hi.  First off, let me say that I like this forum a lot already and I can tell I'll find help when I need it.  However, I'd appreciate it if I didn't have to use Internet Explorer to post a message on it.  You see, if I try and post a message in Firefox, the font bar is completely missing, and linebreaks don't register.  For example, if I typed this in the message box in Firefox:

"Hi.  My name is Kyle.
I like this forum."

After hitting the post button, the forum would show:

"Hi.  My name is Kyle.----------I like this forum."

See the problem?  Now, if I went and edited the above post in Internet Explorer after having made it in Firefox, I would see that the linebreaks had not registered.  Conversely, if I posted the above message in Internet Explorer with linebreaks, then went back and edited that same post in Firefox, I'd get this:

"Hi.  My name is Kyle.<BR>----------<BR>I like this forum."

I don't know why or how, but for some reason, Firefox treats this forum's message posting function like an HTML editor.  Now, with that in mind I suppose I could just put the <BR> tag in messages in the future in Firefox, but that would be a great inconvenience if I was posting code--that would be a lot of <BR> tags.  My very first post was with code, before I realized that Firefox has some incompatibilities with this forum.  I have to give Alan, the guy who went and dissected my code form that great big blob of text, a lot of props. 

So, is there any chance that better Firefox support may be added to this forum?  I really hope so because I really like these forums.  If not, I'll have to continue to use IE for them, I suppose.
Answers (1)