
The task is to write an aquarium simulator.

The task is to write an aquarium simulator.
The aquarium is inhabited by various inhabitants: all sorts of fish, snails, etc., and plants.
Fish need to be fed with food. Snails eat plants.
Plants grow if there is enough light and temperature.
The activity of fish and their need for food is determined by the temperature of the water. If the inhabitants of the aquarium do not have enough food, then they die. If the conditions of detention are good, then the inhabitants multiply.
Patterns should be used.
Help me please. I do not even know where to start. I'm not a programmer, only I study ahah) I will be very grateful for any answers))
I tried to use the pattern strategy, to create and describe the activities of the inhabitants of the aquarium. I made a simple form, where images of fish, snails and algae are taken from ImageList.