
the query is not working i tried lot of times helpmeplease

narasiman rao

narasiman rao

date sess code course 14-Jan-13 1 CM AFF 14-Jan-13 3 CM AFF 17-Jan-13 1 NR CTF i want the output as follows; AFF(Course) 1 2 3 4 (sess) 14-Jan-13 CM CM CTF(Course) 1 2 3 4 (sess) 17-Jan-13 NR for getting a above output i tried the query as follows; but output is not getting; query as follows; SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM [Tb_SCh_TIme_Table]) PIVOT(MAX([faculty_code])FOR [session] IN ([1],[2],[3] ,[4])) AS PVT i tired the above query when i run shows error as follows; Line 5: Incorrect syntax near '('. from my above query what is the mistake please help me.