I am sending the push notification to Android and Apple devices from ASP.NET Core Web API. But most of the time in between push failed and I am getting an error
The Push Notification System handle for the registration is invalid
I do not understand this.
I am using the NotificationHub nuget package in my project. Package version in 4.0.0.
I am showing my code here - please help me with this issue.
public async static Task SendPushNotificationToDevice(HubNotification hub notification)
if (hubNotification != null)
NotificationHubClient hub = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HubName"], true);
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hubNotification.DeviceId) &&
// check if the already registered device
var registationDescriptions = hub.GetRegistrationsByTagAsync(hubNotification.ToUserEmail, 100)
foreach (var registrationDescription in registationDescriptions)
// We shouldn't have any extra registrations; delete if we do.
// set message
hubNotification.Message = string.Format(hubNotification.Message);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hubNotification.Message))
string jsonPayLoad = string.Empty;
NotificationOutcome outcome;
if (hubNotification.DeviceType.ToLower().Contains("android"))
var registeredNewDevice = hub.CreateGcmNativeRegistrationAsync(
hubNotification.DeviceId.Replace("-", ""),
jsonPayLoad = "{ " data ": " +
"{ " message
": "
" + hubNotification.Message.Trim() + "
"," +
"" ListId
": "
" + hubNotification.ListId + "
"," +
"" notificationType
": "
" + hubNotification.NotificationType + "
"," +
"" IsOwner
": "
" + hubNotification.IsOwner + "
"," +
"" ListName
": "
" + hubNotification.ListName + "
"," +
"" ListType
": "
" + hubNotification.ListType + "
"," +
"" badge
": "
" + hubNotification.badge + "
"," +
"" inProgress
": "
" + hubNotification.InProgress + "
"," +
"" headercolor
": "
" + hubNotification.ListHeaderColor + "
"," +
"" titlecolor
": "
" + hubNotification.ListHeaderTitleColor + "
"," +
"" sound
" + hubNotification.Sound + "
"," +
"" userProfileId
" + hubNotification.ToUserProfileId.ToString().Trim() + "
"," +
"" type ":" sendfriend "}}";
outcome = hub.SendGcmNativeNotificationAsync(
jsonPayLoad, hubNotification.ToUserEmail)
} else {
hubNotification.Sound = hubNotification.Sound + ".caf";
var registeredNewDevice =
hubNotification.DeviceId.Replace("-", ""),
new[] { hubNotification.ToUserEmail }).Result;
jsonPayLoad = "{ " aps ": " +
"{ " alert
": "
" + hubNotification.Message.Trim() + "
"," +
"" ListId
": "
" + hubNotification.ListId + "
"," +
"" notificationType
": "
" + hubNotification.NotificationType + "
"," +
"" IsOwner
": "
" + hubNotification.IsOwner + "
"," +
"" ListName
": "
" + hubNotification.ListName + "
"," +
"" ListType
": "
" + hubNotification.ListType + "
"," +
"" badge
": "
" + hubNotification.badge + "
"," +
"" InProgress
": "
" + hubNotification.InProgress + "
"," +
"" headercolor
": "
" + hubNotification.ListHeaderColor + "
"," +
"" titlecolor
": "
" + hubNotification.ListHeaderTitleColor + "
"," +
"" sound
" + hubNotification.Sound + "
"," +
"" userProfileId
" + hubNotification.ToUserProfileId.ToString().Trim() + "
"," +
"" type ":" sendfriend "}}";
outcome = hub.SendAppleNativeNotificationAsync(jsonPayLoad,
// check the response
if (outcome != null)
if (!((outcome.State == NotificationOutcomeState.Abandoned) ||
(outcome.State == NotificationOutcomeState.Unknown)))
// Message send successfully!!
catch (Exception ex)
// LogError(ex.Message, "SendPushNotificationToDevice");