
The gavel is missing

Sam Hobbs

Sam Hobbs

David Letterman says that it might just be a coincidence but after Lindsay Lohan's court appearance the gavel was missing.

Does everyone know who David Letterman is? He is a talk show host, at least for American television and he tells jokes at the beginning of every show.

Does everyone know who Lindsay Lohan is? She is an actress who has been accused of shoplifting. She was convicted and is on probation for stealing something; I think a dress. It is so strange that she steals things when she has plenty of money. The current court appearance is about a necklace that she took. There is no question that she took it; she claims the store let her borrow it. It is nearly certain she will end up spending time in jail. So David Letterman's joke is implying that Lindsay Lohan took the gavel from the judge.

Charlie Sheen told Lindsay Lohan that she needs to control her impulses. Charlie Sheen is another story; he needs to control his impulses. He has essentially gotten fired from his show "Two and a Half Men".
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