
Teen needs career advice!



  Hi there, im 18 and are currently attending a community college for Restaurant and hotel management. I now have been working at a hotel connected with an indoor water park for almost 3 months. I like it but do get tired of it sometimes just b/c of the condition of the place. ( there was old management which didn't take care of the place and now new management is trying to help it but its a very slow process, and I dont see myself moving up at this place) But what i guess im asking is how soon is to soon to quit and look for something else? I am working like crazy, sometimes into the morning and other times double shifts and what not. I also have limited time with family ( even though I live with my parents, im never home especially with school on top of this full time job!) and i cant remember the last time i just went out with friends. I want to work b/c i want to get ahead and really get a good job someday, now i just dont know where or for what type of company! lol I have changed my mind so many times over the past 4 yrs its not funny!
      I kinda want to look at a department store, for a job and maybe i have a beter chance of moving up there? i dont know. I just dont know if I should quit, ( which as of just working 3 months might look bad on a resume) or continue at what im doing and try my best, even though i dont know how long i can do this for,lol I was also thinking bout transferring to another hotel a nicer one that as all of its ducks in row lol but i dont know i just need some advice im just really confused!! What I really wanna do is bowl, like i use too ( im a real good bowler and used to do that several times a week) I want to volunteer like i used to, i dont have time to volunteer anymore, which i love. maybe goin to school and volunteering and playin sports is what i should be doing right now in my life? i mean i have years to work right!?  i dont know  please help thanks!!

Answers (3)