
TCP String - Always Alive

Hi Pardon if I have selected the wrong category or used the wrong wording etc...

I have some software that can connect to a socket (ip address and port) and receive text strings. To be able to add the socket it has to connect when adding it as a source to the software. At the moment I can acomplish this by running some very basic tcp listener software on a port. I can then add my pc's ip address and the same port as a source within the software. I cannot however recieve the strings in the software and on the listener software.

What I was thinking and wondering is... is it possible to have some C# running in the background on my pc all the time that will allow my software to connect to the socket which will be my pc's ip address and port xxxxx and at the same time the C# could recieve the text strings. For example if I used an android app I could send the string to the ip and port number.  Then the C# would send the same string to the software? Obviously it can use what ever ports numbers and can send it back out on a different port if required as log as the software can connect to this same port that the string would be sent to when I add it as a source.
Thanks in advance.