
Take Data from Datagrid to List

Ram n

Ram n



I have some data in the wingrid( similar to datagrid). in that grid, we can move the column anywhere inside the grid and also we can sort any column.

The issue is : when i click the print button, it should display all the data with the current sort order and column name where it placed currently.

i am doing the printing by means HTML. For that i need to fetch the value starting from the column header to the last row.

we can take the value from the old list.. the problem is when i sort or move the column anywhere in the the list is note getting updated.

I want to move all the data including the column headers to the new list.

Kindly help me how to do that.

What i tried:

list<classname> list1 = new list<classname>();

foreach(ultragridrow dr in uggrid.rows)




where uggrid is the wingrid name.

Inside the add method we have to specify the item name.. But i have no idea how to get that.

Kindly help me in resolve the issue.


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