
Table control asp.net 2010



I am wondering if my plan listed below is a good idea or bad? If it is a bad idea, can you tell me why it is not a good idea and what would you do differently like use a different asp.net 2010 control?

Also, I am wondering if using a gridview control would be a better option. If so, can you tell me why it is a better option and/or point me to a link (url) that I can use as a reference?

The plan so far is:

I am setting up a new C# asp.net 2010 webpage. In this particular webpage, I need to have rows that just show up if a user clicks like 'y' in a webpage. Basically some default dates will be displayed and the user will be asked if the date is not valid. If they say the date is not valid, then I would like an extra row to show up for the user to enter the correct date. After the user enters the correct date, then the extra row (or cell) will go away from view once the application has verified that the date they entered is correct.

I am thinking of placing this kind of setup in a asp.net table control. The row that will show up that will allow a user to enter the correct date, will have it's property set to not visible by default. However when the date needs to be entered by the user, the visible property of that row will be set to visible and the user will be ableto enter the date. Once the date is entered, the visible property of that row will be set to false again so the row does not show up again.

Also the rows in this table do not need to be sorted. Only one column needs to be used for editing.
Answers (1)