
Systems Collections Generic List problem




Hi all,

I have a datalist in my webpage which gets as a datasource a generic List. I add an item at the end of the list using Add and Insert an item at the index 0,before giving it to the datalist. Now Add works and adds the item in the list. Insert however does not insert the item, I get no errors or whatsoever. Could this be related to some kind of rights on the my webpage due to which Insert method does not work?

p.s. My webpage works fine on localhost while debugging, but on the main server I get the list without the item at index 0,which I had Inserted in the list, I do see the list with the item which I had added using Add. This is why I think could this be related to some kind of rights or security problem at the main server due to which Inserting an item in the list doesnt work, but adding does?
