
System.Reflection Tatget Invocation Exception in Silverlight application after deployment

krishna prasad

krishna prasad

Hai all,

I am struggling from System.ReflectionTargetInvocationException[Async_ExceptionOccured].I have exported my silverlight application which contains a webservice in it into a package by Deploy-->Export Application in IIS 7.0 Manager.   When i try to import that application in friends m/c and try to access my home the homepage works fine...but on the login click i have written code to call my webservice method and wen i do that that its throwing me the above said error..I have browsed a lot But still couldn get a solution....Help me solving me this issue as it a big show stopper for me..n could show anythin......

Hope i made myself clear...

With Regards
P.Krishna Prasad
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