
Sync issue in .NET WPF Application

Mohit Bhatt

Mohit Bhatt

Hi Guys,
I am working on a .NET WPF based application. The application has multiple views and the same application is used by multiple users at a time. Any change in one view gets displayed in all other users's machine.
The application uses concept of MSMQ internally. Recently we observed that synchronization get lost occasionally between various users. If the application is restarted, it is synchronized immediately which is done by a service call when the application is launched for the first time.
We have observed that there are delays in MQ messages but no error as such has been logged by the application. We have migrated from using MQ 7.0 to 7.5 recently but not sure if that is the exact reason for this issue.
We have not encountered such issue when using MQ 7.0.
Please let me know if you have any ideas to find the root cause of this issue.
This is urgent, your help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Regards, Mohit
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