I'm using sybase database. I tried to create stored procedure in DBEAVER Tool but it gives error below :
Below are my stored procedure
- create procedure lecasuser.myclass_ins_classTest1
- (
- @stafno VARCHAR(10),
- @term VARCHAR(10),
- @kodk VARCHAR(15),
- @kump VARCHAR(5),
- @lat VARCHAR(20),
- @lng VARCHAR(20)
- )
- as
- begin
- declare @cid_class int, @lokasi varchar(50),@msg varchar(50),@status varchar(1),@bil int,@err int
- select term,stafno,kodk,namak, kump,masa, hari,bilik,semester,table_name,thoff_view
- into #kursus
- from lecas_ug_lecturer_pidx01
- where term = @term
- and kodk = @kodk
- and kump = @kump
- and stafno = @stafno
- and thoff_view >= getdate()
- union
- select term,stafno_luar,kodk,namak, kump,masa, hari,bilik,semester,table_name,thoff_view_tugas
- from lecas_ug_lecturer_pidx01
- where term = @term
- and kodk = @kodk
- and kump = @kump
- and stafno_luar = @stafno
- and thoff_view_tugas >= getdate()
- insert into #kursus
- select term,stafno,kodk,namak, kump,masa, hari,bilik,semester,table_name,thoff_view
- from lecas_ug_lecturer_pidx02
- where term = @term
- and kodk = @kodk
- and kump = @kump
- and stafno = @stafno
- and convert(varchar,thoff_view,103) = convert(varchar,getdate(),103)
- if exists (select kodk from #kursus)
- if not exists (
- select term from my_class
- where term = @term
- and kodk = @kodk
- and kump = @kump)
- insert into my_class (term, kodk, kump, stafno, bil, stud,jnsclass,cthcreate)
- select term , kodk , kump , stafno , bil = 1, stud = 'U',
- jnsclass = 'C', cthcreate = getdate()
- from #kursus
- select @lokasi = bilik from #kursus
- select @cid_class = cid_class
- from my_class
- where term = @term
- and kodk = @kodk
- and kump = @kump
- insert into my_class_dtl (id_class,thmula,thtamat,rujukan,lokasi,mlat,mlng,thcreate,stafno_lecturer,jenisKelas,catatan)
- select id_class = @cid_class,
- thmula = getdate(),
- thtamat = getdate(),
- rujukan = convert(varchar, getdate(), 105)+' '+convert(varchar, getdate(), 108),
- lokasi = @lokasi,
- mlat = @lat,
- mlng = @lng,
- thcreate = getdate(),
- stafno_lecturer = @stafno,
- jenisKelas = '',
- catatan = ''
- select @err = @@error
- if @err <> 0
- rollback tran
- select @msg="Error Insert record",@status="-1"
- return @err
- else
- select @bil=count(id_class)
- from my_class_dtl
- where id_class=@cid_class
- update my_class set bil=@bil
- where cid_class=@cid_class
- select @err = @@error
- if @err <> 0
- rollback tran
- select @msg="Error update my_class",@status="-1"
- return @err
- else
- select msg="Class succesfully registered",status="1"
- end
Can someone help me to fix the error.