
Support for scripting



My problem is this. I'm trying to create an application for putting together orders on an item. However, its not as simple as adding whatever pieces of hardware you want. Many of the hardware selections are automatically determined dynamically by a mix of logical and/or mathematical expressions. For example, we'll pretend we are making an order for a computer. The rule for, motherboard size for example may be: (caseWidth*caseHeight/2)+5. However, the rule for number of processors may be along the lines of: if (caseWidth > 5 && caseWidth < 10) procCount=1; else if (caseWidth > 10 && caseWidth < 15) procCount=2; else procCount=3; This is just a rough example, but I think it gets the idea across. I would like to provide a way to allow the user to add processors and what have you, and allow them to specify these rules without hard coding and recompiling. It uses a SQL Server back end. Any suggestions? gw