
Student – Help me with this

A Hamed

A Hamed


I have to do course works in C# language. I hope there is one can be able to help me in that. You see the details for them below.

I have GirdWorld to apply in it for each one. I have API .

I have done part of the code but I still confused

Coursework 1 - Infectious!

Infectious is a game of perfect information for 2 or more players (i.e. all players can see all of the board, all of the time). The coursework is to design, write, test, refine and document an effective Infectious player. A competition will run continuously with match results and league standings displayed over the Internet.

Coursework 2 – BugWorld

Bugs is a simple simultaneous-movement multi-player artificial life simulation, which captures much of the planning complexity of much more complex simulation.The coursework is to design, write, test, refine and document an effective Bugs player. A competition will run continuously with match results and league standings displayed over the Internet.


Kindest Regards,

Answers (6)